o n c e  y o u  s t r i k e , t h a t ' s  i t

The IMF(International Monetary Funds) has helped many countries with financial problems including surveillance of economical analysis, except one...

In this timeline, a Civil war between the government of Afghanistan and a band of Afghanistanists rebel army has emerge. The rebels seek reformation of their government, which has failed to secure the economic foundation of the country. They claim that they will not stop the war until the government has obtain economic foundation. Any IMF assisstance is completely opossed by both the Afghasistan citizens and the rebels for fear it would be more damaging to their economy. Despite the oppositions, the Government of Afghanistan secretly asks the IMF for help but the IMF has another contradicting condition; stop their war first. The Government of Afghanistan does not approve this policy. In this intense and confusing situation, they have decided to assissinate the Managing Director of IMF.......